Heidi Bell Editing

Editing Services 

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Developmental / Substantive Editing

Suggesting specific major and minor changes in content, organization, and language. Providing basic fact-checking. I recommend that developmental editing be followed by substantial author revision.

Rate: 4–6 cents per word



Correcting errors in grammar, spelling, and mechanics. Ensuring consistency and continuity. May include line editing for style.

Rate: 3–5 cents per word


Manuscript Evaluation

Providing a thorough critique that includes general suggestions regarding content, organization, and language. Comments are provided either directly in the manuscript or on an evaluation form.

Rate: 2–2.5 cents per word

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Correcting errors and ensuring consistency in formatting, grammar, spelling, and mechanics. Occurs after the manuscript has been designed and set in its publishable format.

Rate: 1.5 cents per word 

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A Note about Rates

All per-word rates are based on my hourly rate of $50 per hour. Lower rates are available for writers who meet certain criteria. Contact me for details.